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ESRS Content index




Explanatory notes

ESRS 2: General disclosures (July 2023)


General basis for preparation of the sustainability statements

Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 125)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)

Our strategy contains both financial and non-financial provisions. We don't disclose some of our financial goals for reasons of confidentiality


Disclosures in relation to specific circumstances

Annex 2, sub 1.1 Scope (p. 125)
Annex 2, 2.1 Results (p. 153)
Annex 3, Basis of reporting (p. 196-199)
Annex 2, 1.0 Introduction (p. 123)

There are no other specific circumstances than referenced
ESRS-2 13, 14, 15 and 19 are not applicable


The role of the administrative, management and supervisory bodies

Roles and responsibilities (p. 39-40)
Our Leadership (p. 24)
Report of the Supervisory Board (p. 41-47)
Annex 2: 3.2, Results (p. 164)

Representatives from employees and other workers are not represented in the Board


Profile Supervisory Board Deloitte Netherlands


Information provided to and sustainability matters addressed by the undertaking’s administrative, management and supervisory bodies

Report of the Supervisory Board (p. 41-47)
Annex 2, 1.0 Introduction (p. 123)



Integration of sustainability-related performance in incentive schemes


Deloitte has not yet systematically included sustainability-related performance in incentive schemes


Statement on sustainability due diligence

Annex 2, 5.4 Human rights (p. 190-192)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting boundaries (p. 134)



Risk management and internal controls over sustainability reporting

Annex 2, 1.5 Reporting process (p. 134)
Annex 3 Basis of reporting (p. 197)



Market position, strategy, business model(s) and value chain

Our businesses and industries (p. 26)
About Deloitte (p. 23)
Our purpose and strategy (p. 11-12)
Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 )p. 151-152)
Value creation (p. 15-16)

ESRS-2 40c-d: Deloitte operates across all sectors, but always in audit or advisory roles. Clients can operate in sectors mentioned in these requirements


Interests and views of stakeholders

Annex 2, 1.2 Materiality (p. 125-128)

ESRS-2 45c not applicable as our strategy was only recently defined


Material impacts, risks and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model(s)

Throughout Annex 2 (p. 135-186)
Value creation (p. 15-16)
Financial statements (p. 100-103)

Impacts, risks and opportunities are disclosed at the beginning of every paragraph dealing with a material sustainability matter Initiatives taken to reduce current negative impacts. Risks and opportunities are described in the setions where we disclose information on our material sustainability impacts thoughout the report
Where applicable, the source of the impacts, risks and opportunities is disclosed
Current financial effects for material risks and opportunities are deemed not material. Liabilities, including those regarding material sustainability matters, are disclosed in Notes 8.2 to the Financial Statement
We do not believe investments or disposals will be necessary as a result of managing material sustainability matters
ESRS-2 48e is not applicable as this is the first year we report in compliance with ESRS


Description of the processes to identify and assess material impacts, risks and opportunities

Annex 2, 1.2 Materiality (p. 125-128, 130, 133)
Risk management (p. 49-50)

ESRS-2 53h is not applicable as this is the first year we have disclosed a DMA.


Disclosure Requirements in ESRS covered by the undertaking’s sustainability statements

Annex 3, ESRS Content index (p. 200-211)
Annex 2, 2.1 Environmental impacts (p. 135)

ESRS-2 58: Brief explanation concerning non-materiality for E2, E3, E4 and E5 is provided
ESRS-2 59: Our reporting meets the requirements of ESRS 1 section 3.2
ESRS-2 60-81: All material topics are disclosed taking the MDR taking into account. Possible deviations are disclosed in the ESRS Content Index


Policies adopted to manage material sustainability matters


All material topics are disclosed taking the MDR taking into account. Possible deviations are disclosed in the ESRS Content Index


Actions and resources in relation to material sustainability matters


All material topics are disclosed taking the MDR taking into account. Possible deviations are disclosed in the ESRS Content Index


Metrics in relation to material sustainability matters


All material topics are disclosed taking the MDR taking into account. Possible deviations are disclosed in the ESRS Content Index


Tracking effectiveness of policies and actions through targets


All material topics are disclosed taking the MDR taking into account. Possible deviations are disclosed in the ESRS Content Index

ESRS E1: Climate change (July 2023)


Policies adopted to manage material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 135-146, 146-148, 148-152)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)



Actions and resources in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 146-148, 148-152, 154-155)

There are no plans that require significant operational or capital expenditures. All costs of climate programmes are absorbed in our normal planning cycle


Metrics in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 146, 148-152. 153-154)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)

Both ESRS defined and entity specific metrics have been included in the report
Metrics are consolidated on level of DTTL which then submits them to CDP for validation


Tracking effectiveness of policies and actions through targets

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 146, 148-152. 153-154)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)

WorldClimate is a top-down programme where we consult with stakeholder how we approach the actions prescribed
ESRS-2 80i: Not applicable in 2023/2024
ESRS-2 81 Not applicable as Deloitte has set outcome-oriented targets


Disclosure requirement related to ESRS 2 GOV-3 Integration of sustainability-related performance in incentive schemes

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 154-155)



Transition plan for climate change mitigation

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 136-138, p. 146-148)

Our long-term emissions reduction targets using SBTi's Net Zero Standard is still subject for verification by SBTi hence, at present, we can only report on our SBTi verified near-term targets
ESRS-E1 16c: As Deloitte is asset-light, we don't foresee funding that requires capital investments
ESRS-E1 a6d: There are no potentially locked-in GHG emissions from key assets and products. Deloitte does not own energy-intensive key assets and our products consist of audits and advisory services and are therefore also not energy-intensive
ESRS-E1 16e: Not applicable as our economic activities are not covered by delegated regulation on climate adaptation or mitigation under the Taxonomy Regulation
ESRS-E1 16g: Deloitte is not excluded on the basis of Article 12
ESRS-E1 17: Not applicable as our near-term SBTi targets serve as Transition Plan


Disclosure Requirement related to ESRS 2 SBM-3 – Material impacts, risks and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 135-146)



Disclosure requirement related to ESRS 2 IRO-1 – Description of the processes to identify and assess material climate-related impacts, risks and opportunities

Annex 2, 1.2 Materiality (p. 128)
Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 135-146)



Policies related to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 146-148)



Actions and resources in relation to climate change policies

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 146-148, 148-152, 153-154)
Annex 2: 5.1 Nature and biodiversity (p. 187-188)

We do not foresee there to be significant CapEx or OpEx consequences to our Climate strategy on the short to medium term


Targets related to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 146, 153-154)

As our long-term reduction targets are still in the validation stage with SBTi, at present we can only disclose information on our near-term SBTi targets. These targets are not suited for reporting targetted absolute reductions


Energy consumption and mix

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 154)

We do not buy nuclear power, consume fuel from renewable sources or self-generate non-fuel renewable energy
ESRS-E1 38-43 Not applicable to Deloitte as we don't have activities in high climate impact sectors


Gross Scopes 1, 2, 3 and Total GHG emissions

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 153-154)



GHG removals and GHG mitigation projects financed through carbon credits

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 148)

Programme is operated by Deloitte NSE on behalf of its geographies and reported on in their Impact report. It is therefore not in scope for DNL
ESRS-E1 61: No claims on carbon neutrality have been made


Internal carbon pricing

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 154)

ESRS-E1 63: Not applicable as Deloitte does not (yet) use internal carbon pricing


Anticipated financial effects from material physical and transition risks and potential climate-related opportunities

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 135-146)

ESRS-E1 65a: Monetary amount for short-, medium- and long-term is negligible
ESRS-E1 65c: There are no assets at material physical risk
ESRS-E1 65d: Monetary amount for short-, medium- and long-term is negligible
ESRS-E1 67b: As we do not regard transition risks to our own assets or those owned by others to be material, we cannot provide a figure other than < 5%.
ESRS-E1 67c: We don't own real estate assets
ESRS-E1 67d: There are no such liabilities
ESRS-E1 68-70: Not applicable to Deloitte


Relevant Application requirements


AR 6-8

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 135-146)


AR 9

Annex 2, 1.2 Materiality (p. 127)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)


AR 11-18

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 135-146)

ESRS-E1 AR18: Climate change physical and transition risks are negligible


AR 19-22

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 146-148)

ESRS-E1 AR 19b: Although we address many of these types of mitigation actions, we have not aggregated them
ESRS-E1 AR 19d: We have not disclosed the climate change adaptation actions by type of adaptation solution
We do not foresee there to be significant CapEx or OpEx consequences to our Climate strategy on the short to medium term


AR 24-31

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 153-154)
Annex 3, Basis of reporting (p. 198-199)

As our long-term reduction targets are still in the validation stage with SBTi, at present we can only disclose information on our near-term SBTi targets. These targets are not suited for reporting targetted absolute reductions per scope
Baseline year is consistent with prior years' reporting
ESRS-E1 AR 26: No sector specific or cross sector pathway available
ESRS-E1 AR 29 Not applicable as we have not adjusted our base year


AR 32-35


ESRS-E1 AR 32a: Scope 1 and 2 emissions are only reported where we have operational control and have the responsibility for the purchase of energy
ESRS-E1 AR 32b: Not applicable as Deloitte does not procure feedstocks
ESRS-E1 AR 33: Not applicable as Deloitte is not active in high climate impacts sectors


AR 39-44

Annex 3, Basis of reporting (p. 198-199)

ESRS-E1 AR 39a: Our definitions are based on GHG Protocol to facilitate CDP submission of DTTL
ESRS-E1 AR 40: Not applicable to Deloitte as we do not have such associates, joint ventures, unconsolidated subsidiaries (investment entities) and contractual arrangements
ESRS-E1 AR 41: Disaggregation of emission related information does not add insights and is - in practice - not feasible without assumptions that would not improve the quality of the information presented. Our policies, targets, activities and results are uniformly applicable within Deloitte Netherlands
ESRS-E1 AR 42: For our own operations we report on our results in our own financial year (June 1 - May 31). For suppliers that participate in CDP, we use the data from their financial years
ESRS-E1 AR 43a: Our Scope 1 emissions include fuel used for heating our offices and power the ICE cars in our fleet
ESRS-E1 AR 43c: Deloitte does not have such emissions
ESRS-E1 AR 43d: We do not include any removals, or any purchased, sold or transferred carbon credits or GHG allowances in the calculation of Scope 1 GHG emissions
ESRS-E1 AR 44: Not applicable to Deloitte


AR 45


Our Scope 2 emissions include bought electricity (for offices and fleet) and heat. Steam and cooling are not applicable to Deloitte
We only include scope 2 emissions that are the result of our own procurement
Deloitte does not have biogenic emissions
We do not include any removals, or any purchased, sold or transferred carbon credits or GHG allowances in the calculation of Scope 2 GHG emissions


AR 46

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 153-154)
Annex 3, Basis of reporting (p. 198-199)

ESRS-E1 AR 46c: Screening is done on the level of DTTL and NSE
Scope 3 emissions are updated on an annual basis
We do not include any removals, or any purchased, sold or transferred carbon credits or GHG allowances in the calculation of Scope 3 GHG emissions


AR 47-52

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 153-154)

ESRS-E1 AR 48: Total reduction targets are not provided pending SBTi validation of our long-term net-zero targets
ESRS-E1 AR 49: Not aplicable to Deloitte
ESRS-E1 AR 51: Not material at present


AR 53-55

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 153-154)


AR 56-60


Not applicable as we do not engage in these activities


AR 61-64


We don't report on carbon credtis as this activity is NSE-led


AR 65-66


Not applicable as Deloitte does not (yet) have an internal carbon price mechanism


AR 67-71

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 135-146)

AR 70: No assets at material physical risks hence not disclosed
AR 71: As there are no assets at material risk due to climate change and there are no associated liabilities, this requirement is not applicable
AR 71b: We have not assessed these effects yet


AR 72


We do not believe our revenue to be at risk due to physical climate risks in the short or medium term as our business is volatile and climate opportunities exceed climate risks. For the longer term, together with our NSE partners, we will further investigate what our clients’ exposure is to physical climate risks and we will assess what the potential impact is on their business continuity.


AR 73


ESRS-E1 AR 73a: Not applicable as there are no assets at material transition risk
ESRS-E1 AR 73b: This information is included on page 9 of our CO2 Performance Ladder report FY22 that is published online (
ESRS-E1 AR 73c: Not applicable as there are no assets at material transition risk


AR 74


Deloitte does not operate installations regulated under an emission trading scheme


AR 76


We do not believe our revenue to be at risk due to physical climate risks in the short or medium term as our business is volatile and climate opportunities exceed climate risks. For the longer term, together with our NSE partners, we will further investigate what our clients’ exposure is to physical climate risks and we will assess what the potential impact is on their business continuity.


AR 77-78


Not applicable to Deloitte as these risks are negligible and Deloitte's asset base is relatively small


AR 79


Not applicable to Deloitte as we are not part of emission trading schemes


Ar 80-81


Not applicable to Deloitte


Entity specific metrics


Reducing of business travel emissions per FTE from 2019 levels

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 146)


Sourcing renewable energy for our buildings

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 146)


Conversion of fleet to electric vehicles

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 146)


% of major suppliers committed to adopt science-based targets for carbon reduction

Annex 2, 2.1 Climate and CO2 (p. 146)


ESRS S1: Own workforce (July 2023)


Disclosure Requirement related to ESRS 2 SBM-3 – Material impacts, risks and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model

Value creation (p. 15-16)
Our purpose and strategy (p. 11-12)
Annex 2, 3 Social Impacts (p. 157)
Annex 2, 3.2 Diversity, equity and inclusion (p. 162)
Annex 2, 3.4 Wellbeing (p. 169)
Annex 2, 5.4 Human rights (p. 190)

Annex 2, Impacts, risks and opportunities in sub-sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 describes positive and negative impacts
ESRS-S1 14e: Not applicable due to the nature of our business
ESRS-S1 14f and 14g: We have no operations at risk and no operations in countries or geographic areas considered at risk
ESRS-S1 16: Not applicable to Deloitte


Policies related to own workforce

Annex 2, 3 Social impacts (p. 158-171)
Annex 2, 5.4 Human Rights (p. 190, 191)
Annex 2, 3.4 Wellbeing (p. 169-170)
Annex 2, 3.2 Diversity, equity and inclusion (p. 163-164, 165)

All policies pertaining to material impacts on our own workforce, as well as associated risks and opportunities are described in paragraphs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4
ESRS-S1 24b: These will be included in our Human Rights policy


Processes for engaging with own workforce and workers’ representatives about impacts

Annex 2, 3 Social Impacts: Introduction (p. 157)
Annex 2, 1.2 Materiality (p. 127)
Annex 2, 3.2 Diversity, equity and inclusion (p. 162-163)

ESRS-S1 27d and 27e: Not applicable to Deloitte
ESRS-S1 29: Not applicable


Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for own workforce to raise concerns

Annex 2, 4.2 Ethics and integrity (p. 181-182)

ESRS-S1 34: Not applicable


Taking action on material impacts on own workforce, and approaches to managing material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to own workforce, and effectiveness of those actions

Annex 2, 3 Social Impacts: Introduction (p. 157)

MDRs are incorpporated in the disclosures of our material sustainability matters
ESRS-S1 34: Practices are diclosed in sections on Data security and sustainable procurement. We don't see how these activties could negatively impact our own workforce


Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positive impacts, and managing material risks and opportunities

Annex 2, 3 Social Impacts:Introduction (p. 157)

MDRs are incorpporated in the disclosures of our material sustainability matters


Characteristics of the undertaking’s employees

Annex 2, 3 Introduction (p. 157)
Annex 3, Basis of reporting (p. 196-197)
Annex 1, Workforce (p. 71)

ESRS-S1 50e: Where applicable, contextual infromation is provided
ESRS-S1 51 and 52: NL is one single region. DDC does not meet materiality criteria from ESRS (>50 employees representing more than 10% of workforce)


Characteristics of non-employees in the undertaking’s own workforce

Annex 2, 3 Social Impacts: Introduction (p. 157)

ESRS-S1 57: Data is available and reported


Collective bargaining coverage and social dialogue

Annex 2, 3 Social Impacts: introduction (p. 157)

ESRS-S1 60-62: Not applicable as there are no collective bargaining agreements within Deloitte
ESRS-S1 63b: The Netherlands is the only geography within the EEA in which Deloitte NL employs people


Diversity metrics

Annex 2, 3.2 Diversity, equity and inclusion (p. 164-165)



Training and skills development metrics

Annex 2, 3.1 Employee value proposition (p. 161)
Annex 2, 3.3 Learning and development (p. 168)
Annex 2, 3.1 Employee value proposition (p. 160)



Work-life balance metrics

Annex 2, 2.4 Wellbeing (p. 170)



Remuneration metrics (pay gap and total remuneration)

Annex 2, 3.2 Diversity, equity and inclusion (p. 164-165)


Relevant Application requirements


AR 10


There were no significant changes in policies in the reporting year with the exception of the introduction of our new Talent strategy and our approach to DEI that are both explained and elaborated in the relevant sections


AR 12


Not applicable to Deloitte



Annex 2, 5.2 Sustainable procurement (p. 189)


AR 57


We report average employees in the reporting year


AR 59


We have divided 'total leavers' by 'total headcount' x 100%




We have adopted same definitions and categorisation

Employee Value Proposition


Policies adopted to manage material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.1 Employee value proposition (p. 158, 159-160)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)

ESRS-2 65d: Third party standards are not referenced


Actions and resources in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.1 Employee value proposition (p. 161)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)

ESRS-2 68d: Implementation and upholding of our EVP is a continuous process hence no time horizons are set
ESRS-2 69: Costs of EVP are part of our normal planning cycle and are paid out of revenues


Metrics in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.1 Employee value proposition (p. 161)
Annex 3, Basis of reporting (p. 196)

ESRS-2 77b: Metrics in the section on EVP are not validated by an external body other than our external assurance provider


Tracking effectiveness of policies and actions through targets

Annex 2, 3.1 Employee value proposition (p. 161)


Diversity, equity and inclusion


Policies adopted to manage material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.2 Diversity, equity and inclusion (p. 162, 163)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)



Actions and resources in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.2 Diversity, equity and inclusion (p. 162-163, 163-164)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)

ESRS-2 69: DE&I activities are part of normal operational planning meaning that costs are planned for and allocated in the current financial year


Metrics in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.2 Diversity, equity and inclusion (p. 164-165)
Abbex 3, Basis of reporting (p. 196)

ESRS-2 77b: Metrics in the section on Diversity, equity and inclusion are not validated by an external body other than our external assurance provider


Tracking effectiveness of policies and actions through targets

Annex 2, 3.2 Diversity, equity and inclusion (p. 162, 163-164)

ESRS-2 81: DE&I aims to create an inclusive corporate culture. This is not suited for targetsetting as it mainly involves behavioural and bias oriented interventions


Entity specific metrics


Female partners as % of total partners

Annex 2, Summary of performance (p. 122)


Women in leadership positions

Annex 2, Summary of performance (p. 122)


Learning and development


Policies adopted to manage material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.3 Learning and development (p. 167)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)



Actions and resources in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.3 Learning and development (p. 166-167)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)

ESRS-2 69: Learning and development activities are part of normal operational planning meaning that costs are planned for and allocated on the current financial year


Metrics in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.3 Learning and development (p. 168-169)
Basis of reporting (p. 196)

ESRS-2 77b: Metrics in the section on Learning and development are not validated by an external body other than our external assurance provider


Tracking effectiveness of policies and actions through targets

Annex 2, 3.3 Learning and development (p. 169)

ESRS-2 81: We develop our Learning an development needs on the basis of market demands. It is therefore not possible to define quantative targets with respect to learning hours




Policies adopted to manage material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.4 Wellbeing (p. 169-171)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)



Actions and resources in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.4 Wellbeing (p. 169)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)

ESRS-2 69: Wellbeing activities are part of normal operational planning meaning that costs are planned for and allocated on the current financial year


Metrics in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.4 Wellbeing (p. 169-171)
Basis of reporting (p. 196)

ESRS-2 77b: Metrics in the section on Wellbeing are not validated by an external body other than our external assurance provider


Tracking effectiveness of policies and actions through targets

Annex 2, 3.4 Wellbeing (p. 169-171)

ESRS-2 80: The metrics used are not suited to setting quantitative targets that are relevant for the activities in scope


Entity specific metric


Sickness leave

Annex 2, 3.4 Wellbeing (p. 171)


Social impact and social return


Policies adopted to manage material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.4 Social impact / social return (p. 172-173, 175-176)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)



Actions and resources in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.4 Social impact / social return (p. 175-176)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)

ESRS-2 68: The policies of Deloitte Impact Foundation do not require specific actions ither than what is mentioned in the Governance and Policies sections
ESRS-2 69: Social impact / social return activities are part of normal operational planning meaning that costs are planned for and allocated on the current financial year


Metrics in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 3.4 Social impact / social return (p. 175)
Basis of reporting (p. 197)

ESRS-2 77b: Metrics in the section on Social impact / social return are not validated by an external body other than our external assurance provider


Tracking effectiveness of policies and actions through targets

Annex 2, 3.4 Social impact / social return (p. 172, 175)

ESRS-2 80d-80j: Not applicable


Entity specific metrics


Hours spent on DIF Projects

Annex 2, 3.4 Social impact / social return (p. 175)


# DIF projects

Annex 2, 3.4 Social impact / social return (p. 175)


# employees involved in DIF projects

Annex 2, 3.4 Social impact / social return (p. 175)


ESRS G1: Business conduct (July 2023)


Disclosure Requirement related to ESRS 2 GOV-1 – The role of the administrative, management and supervisory bodies

Annex 2, 4. Governance impacts (p. 178)

ESRS-2 5b: Not specifically disclosed. See general sections in Roles and reponsibilities section and in Report of the Supervisory Board


Disclosure Requirement related to ESRS 2 IRO-1 – Description of the processes to identify and assess material impacts, risks and opportunities


Per section in Chapter 4. Governance impacts, the relevant IROs have been disclosed


Business conduct policies and corporate culture

Annex 2, 4.2 Ethics and integrity (p. 182-184)

ESRS-G1 10h: We believe all partners and employees are at a certain degree of risk and therefore have a training programme that is cross-functional


Procedures to address corruption and bribery

Annex 2, 4.2 Ethics and integrity (p. 184)

ESRS-G1 18c: We regard any incident involving corruption as an ethical incident. All ethical incidents are reported to the Executive Board


Incidents of corruption or bribery

Annex 2, 4.2 Ethics and integrity (p. 183-184)





Policies adopted to manage material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 4.1 Quality (p. 178-179)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)



Actions and resources in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 4.1 Quality (p. 180)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)

ESRS-2 68c: Actions take place on an ongoing basis
ESRS-2 69: Quality related activities are part of normal operational planning meaning that costs are planned for and allocated on the current financial year


Metrics in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 4.1 Quality (p. 180-181)
Basis of reporting (p. 196)

ESRS-2 77b: Metrics in the section on Quality are not validated by an external body other than our external assurance provider


Tracking effectiveness of policies and actions through targets

Annex 2, 4.1 Quality (p. 180-181)

ESRS-2 No new targets have been set yet


Entity specific metrics


Satisfactory regulatory reviews

Annex 2, 4.1 Quality (p. 180)


Client satisfaction score

Annex 2, 4.1 Quality (p. 181)


Net promotor score as measured by Client Satisfaction Assessments

Annex 2, 4.1 Quality (p. 181)


Ethics and integrity


Policies adopted to manage material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 4.2 Ethics and integrity (p. 181-184)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)



Actions and resources in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 4.2 Ethics and integrity (p. 183)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)

ESRS-2 68c: Actions take place on an ongoing basis (e.g. annual ethics survey, two-yearly refreshers, etc)
ESRS-2 68d: We do not report individual outcomes of cases due to privacy constraints
ESRS-2 69: Ethics and integrity related activities are part of normal operational planning meaning that costs are planned for and allocated on the current financial year


Metrics in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 4.2 Ethics and integrity (p. 183-184)
Basis of reporting (p. 196)

ESRS-2 77b: Metrics in the section on Ethics & integrity are not validated by an external body other than our external assurance provider


Tracking effectiveness of policies and actions through targets

Annex 2, 4.2 Ethics and integrity (p. 181-183)

ESRS-2 80: We feel that ethics metrics are not suited for outcome oriented target setting


Entity specific metrics


Incidents: number of reported occurance

Annex 2, 4.2 Ethics and integrity (p. 183)


Data security


Policies adopted to manage material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 4.3 Data security (p. 184-186)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)



Actions and resources in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 4.3 Data security (p. 186)
Annex 2, 1.1 Scope (p. 134)
Annex 2, 1.3 Reporting Boundaries (p. 134)

ESRS-2 68c: Actions take place on an ongoing basis
ESRS-2 69: Data security activities are part of normal operational planning meaning that costs are planned for and allocated on the current financial year


Metrics in relation to material sustainability matters

Annex 2, 4.3 Data security (p. 186)
Basis of reporting (p. 196)

ESRS-2 77b: Metrics in the section on Data security are not validated by an external body other than our external assurance provider


Tracking effectiveness of policies and actions through targets

Annex 2, 4.3 Data security (p. 185)

ESRS-2 80: No outcome oriented or time-bound targets have been set for data security
ESRS-2 81a: We believe no realistic outcome oriented target can be set for data security
ESRS-2 81bii: We use the number of breaches detected and reported as guiding KPIs


Entity specific metrics


Total internally reported incidents

Annex 2, 4.3 Data security (p. 186)


Total internally reported incidents involving personal data

Annex 2, 4.3 Data security (p. 186)


# Complaints regarding breaches of client privacy or loss of customer data

Annex 2, 4.3 Data security (p. 186)


# Instance that personal data breaches were reported to the supervisory authority

Annex 2, 4.3 Data security (p. 186)