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Value creation

Our business brings together people, technology, knowledge and relationships. Where these meet, we help our clients with meaningful high-quality solutions to their complex needs and challenges to further propel their businesses. We do this through the expertise of our people (often supported by our highly specialised international delivery centres), by implementing assets that we have developed, or by assuming control over a designated part of our clients' processes.​

Our people are highly trained, skilled and motivated. Through extensive learning programmes (classroom, online and on-the-job), we accelerate the development of our people and increase their ability to further advance in their chosen area of expertise and within the industry they feel most connected with.​

Technology is an important element of our services. In all our services we use technology to obtain the best result as efficiently as possible. Moreover, we help our clients facing their digital challenges, for example in the areas of cyber security, and software and systems implementation.​

We make sure that our knowledge remains up to date. We partner with important knowledge institutes such as Center for the Edge to be able to tap into state-of-the-art insights from the academic world. In addition, we are organised in cross functional industries’ groups, ensuring the availability of industry-wide insights across businesses.​

In addition, we maintain relationships with clients and potential clients to become their trusted advisor in our areas of expertise. Finally, we are an active participant in many professional organisations and contribute to social debates and challenges around pressing social issues, among others through our Future of agenda. ​

Our business model is based on our purpose, informed by our Shared values, and powered by our Strong Roots Reach Far strategy.  

Value creation model

Deloitte’s purpose is to make an impact that matters for our clients, our people and the society we operate in. Our purpose is the driving force behind our strategy and our everyday actions.​

Our business model is inspired by the six 'capitals' (human, intellectual, natural, financial, social and manufactured) as defined by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). Having a strong foundation is vital for performing our services and execute our strategy. We have built the foundation of our business model on three pillars: quality, ethics & integrity, and data security. Our strategy and everything we do as a firm, is rooted in trust. Trust allows us to build meaningful relationships and foster partnerships with our stakeholders.​

The impact we make stems from both the way we support our clients, and how we operate our business through our services: Advisory, Audit & Assurance, Internal support, and Deloitte Impact Foundation. At Deloitte, we address complex and challenging issues that our clients face. We provide them with solutions that allow them to grow in a responsible way. Within our firm, we have established a multidisciplinary network of professionals with various backgrounds and experiences, creating a unique blend of capabilities to respond to our clients’ needs. ​

We are mindful of the consequences our activities have on our stakeholders. Being a responsible business, we try to understand the positive and negative impact our firm has and aim to address the major societal and environmental issues.​

Value creation for different stakeholder groups takes place in multiple ways. The value we generate for our clients arises from the services we provide and the ecosystems we develop. For the broader society, we add value through our client work, the talent we develop, the taxes we pay, and the communities we support during our corporate responsibility and sustainability initiatives. ​

We build value for our employees by creating an environment where equity, purpose and belonging, and experience are at the core of our business. We develop our employees’ skills through training, as well as through the engagements they work on, to address efficiently our clients’ demands. 

Through internal dashboards, we track and manage how our business activities can affect the planet. In our sustainability-related client work, we support our clients recognise their reliance and impact on natural resources to minimise the environmental impacts across their value chains.​

We constantly drive and embrace innovation and digital transformation. It helps us to maintain leadership in the services we offer, and provides our clients and society with tailored and cutting-edge solutions that improve the overall ecosystem Deloitte operates in.  ​

External factors such as the social, political and economic challenges of a constantly changing world, shape the impact we create.  At Deloitte, we proactively respond to these challenges, and work with our stakeholders to address them, contributing to the continuity and enhancement of our firm.  ​

We strive to continuously improve our practices and adapt to changing circumstances to become a more responsible business, contributing to a better and more sustainable future.

Promoting responsible business

Deloitte has robust procedures for client and engagement acceptance. Our acceptance procedures include background checks and risk identification and mitigation. These procedures are designed to protect Deloitte from working for clients or accepting engagements that potentially can jeopardise our shared values and principles, compliance with laws and regulations, reputation or purpose.

In addition to these procedures, in recent years, the Responsible Business Committee (RBC) in Deloitte NL provides an extra layer of cross-business dialogue in cases where client and/or engagement acceptance matters potentially have a significant public interest or purpose factor. Anyone within Deloitte can escalate a specific scenario to the RBC and the RBC seeks to provide guidance and support to NL teams in applying and executing our Shared Values and Global Principles. It provides comfort that the opportunities we accept serve our purpose and that the right level of public interest consideration is given to the client and engagement acceptance, thus upholding the trust of our people, clients, regulators and the general public.

As Deloitte NL, we are an integrated part of a global (DTTL) and a regional (NSE) partnership. This means that we are sometimes in a position where we lead engagements and have engagement teams working at clients in different geographies, including geographies that are culturally different from ours, and sometimes also with different perspective on public interest and responsible business practices. As such, from time to time the RBC is called on to provide input to associated client and engagement acceptance matters. It is important to understand and accept cultural differences but also to feel a sufficient level of comfort when using our expertise for clients who are located in such geographies. By having a dialogue on dilemmas, when necessary involving subject matter experts, the RBC acts as an important independent safeguard in our acceptance process. In addition, we maintain a right to refuse for individual employees to work on engagements that contradict their personal values and beliefs.