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5. Capital management and financial risk management 

The members A of Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. are private companies owned by holding companies of each individual partner. Under the Associate Agreement each member of Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. has placed (the workforce of) each partner at the disposal of Deloitte Holding B.V. and its Group companies in which the relevant professional activities for that partner are performed. Based on the Associate Agreement a management fee, a percentage of the expected consolidated net amount of operational and financial income and expenses of Deloitte Holding B.V., is paid to the members of Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. through Stichting Financiering Deloitte. The Executive Board determines the level of the advance payment on the management fee at the beginning of the financial year. The level of this advance payment can be adjusted during the financial year by the Executive Board. After the financial year, the final level of the management fee and the profit share that will be paid by Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. to its Members A is determined.   

In addition to the members’ capital, members of Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. (and the previous shareholders of Deloitte Holding B.V.) provided subordinated loans to Stichting Financiering Deloitte. Deloitte has implemented certain claw-back and recovery mechanisms. For certain profit-sharing auditors the subordinated loans can be continued after the end of the Associate Agreement for the maximum of 6 years. In case of a claw-back sanction such sanction is set of against the remaining subordinated loan.   

Payments of management fees by virtue of the Associate Agreement and other payments (with exception of distribution of profits) to members take place through Stichting Financiering Deloitte. Stichting Financiering Deloitte was established by the (former-) Deloitte partners, members of Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. as an entity to protect the interests of the members collectively from a financing perspective should a calamity arise that could affect the members. Stichting Financiering Deloitte provides a subordinated loan to Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. The amount of this subordinated loan is ultimately equal to that of the subordinated loans provided by the individual members A of Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. to Stichting Financiering Deloitte. This loan is subordinated to all creditors and lender banks. Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. as shareholder of Deloitte Holding B.V. contributed €0 (May 31, 2023: €7 million) into Deloitte Holding B.V. via an additional capital contribution, and a subordinated loan. These transactions between above entities are all non-cash transactions and settled in current account. 

Stichting Financiering Deloitte was established by the (former-) Deloitte partners, members of Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. as an entity to protect the interests of the members collectively from a financing perspective should a calamity arise that could affect the members. The control over Stichting Financiering Deloitte lies with the members who amongst others have the right at all times to elect and dismiss the board members B and C of the Stichting Financiering Deloitte. Consequently, Stichting Financiering Deloitte is not controlled by the Group and therefore is not included in these consolidated financial statements.

The Group is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. Covenants are applied with regards to the bank loans, see note Bank loans.

5.1 Membership capital

Accounting policies

Upon termination of the membership of an equity partner, the Cooperative must redeem the balance of the membership capital within one month. The membership capital does not meet the conditions of IAS 32 paragraphs 16A and B. There is a contractual obligation of the Cooperative to redeem the balance of the membership capital. The membership capital includes a contractual obligation to deliver cash (management fee) to the members. And the membership capital cannot be considered the most subordinate class of issued financial instruments of the Group. Hence these membership capitals are puttable financial instruments which meet the definition of a financial liability.

The Group derecognises liabilities related to membership capital when, and only when, the Group’s obligations are discharged, cancelled or have expired. The difference between the carrying amount and the consideration paid and payable is recognised in profit or loss.

Membership capital

Members who enter into an Associate Agreement with the Group are required to deposit a membership fee of € 25 per member. The membership fee will be repaid after ending the membership of the company.

In € thousands

May 31, 2024


May 31, 2023

Non-current liability




Current liability








A summary of the movements in membership capital is presented below:

In € thousands

Total number of


Total members capital


Balance as of June 1, 2023



Repayments falling due within one year



Membership capital as of June 1, 2023




New memberships during the financial year




Retired memberships during the financial year




Membership capital as of May 31, 2024




Repayments falling due within one year



Balance as of May 31, 2024



5.2 Interest bearing loans and borrowings

Accounting policies

Loans and borrowings comprises the majority of financial liabilities of the Group. After initial recognition, interest-bearing loans and borrowings are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the EIR method. Gains and losses are recognised in profit or loss when the liabilities are derecognised as well as through the EIR amortisation process. Amortised cost is calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on acquisition and fees or costs that are an integral part of the EIR. The EIR amortisation is included as finance costs in the statement of profit or loss.

Loans and borrowings are derecognised when, and only when, the Group’s obligations are discharged, cancelled or have expired. The difference between the carrying amount derecognised and the consideration paid and payable is recognised in profit or loss.

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and short-term bank deposits with an original maturity of three months
or less, net of outstanding bank overdrafts. The carrying amount of these assets is approximately equal to their fair

In € thousands

May 31, 2024


May 31, 2023

Non-current liabilities


Subordinated loan Stichting Financiering Deloitte




Non-subordinated loan Stichting Financiering Deloitte











Subordinated loan Stichting Financiering Deloitte




Non-subordinated loan Stichting Financiering Deloitte









Total Interest bearing loans and borrowings




The movements during the year of liabilities arising from finance activities are as follows:

In € thousands

Subordinated loans Stichting Financiering Deloitte


Non-subordinated loans Stichting Financiering Deloitte



Balance June 1, 2023






Additional borrowing






Conversion settlement prior year to subordinated loan






Conversion non-subordinated loan to subordinated loan












Repayments in the following year






Balance as of May 31, 2024







In € thousands

Subordinated loans Stichting Financiering Deloitte


Non-subordinated loans Stichting Financiering Deloitte



Balance June 1, 2022






Additional borrowing












Repayments in the following year






Balance as of May 31, 2023






Subordinated loan Stichting Financiering Deloitte

Members who enter into an Associate Agreement with the Group are obliged to provide a subordinated loan to Stichting Financiering Deloitte. As of June 1, 2023 a differentiated subordinated loan requirement applies ranging from €575 thousand to €825 thousand per member A. This is implemented in stages, with the last additional payment to be made before October 31, 2024. This will increase the loans that have been provided by the members A with €47 million.

In turn the foundation provides a subordinated loan for the same amount and under the same conditions to Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. On its turn Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. provides a subordinated loan for the same amount less share premium of €0 (May 31, 2022: €7 million) and under the same conditions to Deloitte Holding B.V. The subordination relates to all third party creditors and banks. The loans are subordinated to all existing and future liabilities of the Group and, together with the Group equity, make up the capital base of the Group.

The interest paid is equal to a 3-month Euribor plus 4% with a minimum of 4% and a maximum of 8%. The loans are repaid at the termination of the Associate Agreement. The maturity date of these loans depends on joining and leaving of members and therefore cannot be expressed in years.

Non-subordinated loan Stichting Financiering Deloitte

In 2023/2024 part of the calculated Claw-Back Reserves of active partners exceeds the amount of the provided subordinated loan. These partners provided a non-subordinated loan to Stichting Financiering Deloitte for the amount above the subordinated loan. In turn the foundation provides a non-subordinated loan for the same amount and under the same conditions to Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. On its turn Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. provides a non-subordinated loan for the same amount and under the same conditions to Deloitte Holding B.V. The interest paid is equal to a 3-month Euribor plus 4% with a minimum of 4% and a maximum of 8%. At the termination of the Associate Agreements these loans will been repaid within a six year term.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand and in banks. Cash is at free disposal of the Group.

The Group did have no bank overdrafts as per May 31, 2024 (May 31, 2023: €0).

In € thousands

May 31, 2024


May 31, 2023

Cash and bank








5.3 Net finance costs

The net finance cost comprises financial income and expenses.

Finance expenses mainly comprises interest expense calculated using the effective interest rate method, interest in respect of lease liabilities. Exchange gains and losses are respectively presented as expenses in the net finance cost.

In € thousands




Financial instruments measured at amortised cost:


Interest income and similar income






Market value discount provisions




Financial income




Financial instruments measured at amortised cost:


Interest paid and similar costs




Interest paid on lease liabilities






Exchange differences




Financial Expense




Net finance costs




5.4 Financial Risk management

The financial instruments shown on the balance sheet mainly regard financial fixed assets, receivables, cash, subordinated long-term and current liabilities and amounts owed to suppliers and trade credits. These financial instruments give rise to credit, liquidity, interest rate and foreign currency risks.

5.4.1 Credit risk

Credit risk refers to the risk that a counterparty will default on its contractual obligations resulting in financial loss to the Group. Credit risks arises primarily from trade and unbilled receivables and other financial assets such as cash and deposits with banks and financial institutions. The Group’s maximum exposure to credit risk is the carrying value presented in the statement of financial position. The risk of non-collectability is mainly restricted by the multitude and diversity of parties owing to the Group.

The ageing of trade receivables and provisions for impairment are included in note 3.3. Impairment risks of trade receivables are assessed on an individual basis and provisions are set-up accordingly. Unbilled receivables are typically billed within a month after arising and invoices are generally payable between 14 and 90 days after presentation. For accounts receivable we have provided for expected credit losses bases on the information at hand, including forward looking information. In order to mitigate the risk of credit losses in receivables we are monitoring developments in our accounts receivable positions. In case of an expected increased collection risk, a client specific provision is recognised. Currently we have not seen a noteworthy delay in allowed payment terms.

The Group has no agreements that in the case of default the Group is only required to pay or receive the net amount of the various contracts that are owed to and due from the counterparty. The credit risk on liquid funds and derivative financial instruments is limited because the counterparties are banks with high credit-ratings assigned by international credit rating agencies.

5.4.2 Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will be unable to meet its financial liabilities as they fall due. Liquidity risks arises from the ongoing financial obligations of the Group, including settlement of financial liabilities such as trade and other payables, as well as bank loans and subordinated loans of members. The Group’s liquidity management policy is to ensure as far as possible that there are sufficient liquid funds available to be able to meet its liabilities when due without incurring unacceptable losses or damaging its reputation.

Credit facilities

Deloitte Holding B.V.

Deloitte Holding B.V. has a credit agreement with ING Bank and Rabobank. In the latest amendment (May 30, 2022) the additional commitments were increased from €50 million to €80 million. The facility enables the Group to respond to the negative effects of adverse economic conditions, but also opportunities and to invest in new plans and ventures based on the strategy of the Group. The facility includes current account facilities and is partly used to provide guarantees. As a security for the amounts owed to credit institutions, the current account facility and the bank loans various covenants have been agreed regarding the balance sheet and the result.


May 31, 2024


May 31, 2023

In € thousands

Total facility


Used 1


Total facility



Revolving Facility A (termination date May 30, 2027)








Accordion Increase Revolving Facility A (termination date May 30, 2027)








Total Facilities Deloitte Holding B.V.








  • 1 €5 million is reserved for guarantees of which €4,291 is used.

Deloitte Dutch Caribbean B.V.

Deloitte Dutch Caribbean B.V. has a credit agreement of ANG300 (€150)  with Madura & Curiel's Bank and a credit agreement of AWG200 (€100) with Aruba Bank until December 31, 2024.

Financial Covenants and securities

Deloitte Holding B.V.

For the credit facilities and loans provided by ING Bank and Rabobank covenants are agreed and in place.

The securities consist of the joint and several liability of Coöperatief Deloitte U.A., Deloitte Holding B.V., Deloitte Accountants B.V., Deloitte Belastingadviseurs B.V., Deloitte Consultancy Holding B.V., Deloitte Consulting B.V., Deloitte Financial Advisory B.V., Deloitte Group Support Center B.V., Deloitte Forensic & Dispute Services B.V., Deloitte Risk Advisory B.V., Deloitte Benefits & Pension Advisory B.V., Deloitte Legal B.V. and Deloitte Accountancy & Advies B.V.

Based on the agreement as of May 30, 2022 the Group will ensure that the following financial and non-financial ratios are met:

  • The tangible Net Worth shall exceed €10,000 in the first three Quarters of each Financial Year and shall exceed €25,000 in the last Quarter of each of Financial Year.

  • The Quarterly measured leverage basis of Total Net Debt on each Quarter Date and rolling 12 Months EBITDA shall be lower than 2 to 1 at all times.

  • In case the additional facility is called, additional covenant requirements will apply including a minimum liquidity position of €13,000.

  • Based on the achievement of agreed Sustainability KPI targets (base year 2019) the interest margin will be either reduced (maximum 5 basis points) or increased (maximum 5 basis points).

    • Reducing absolute Scope 1 and 2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions 70% by 2030 from a 2019 base year

    • Reducing Scope 3 GHG emissions from business travel 50% per FTE by 2030

    • Sourcing 100% renewable energy for Deloitte’s buildings

  • 1 “Tangible Net Worth” means the sum of all paid-up capital, free reserves and Subordinated Debt of the Group, less all intangible assets.

As of May 31, 2024 the Group is in compliance with the covenants in the credit agreements.

Maturity analyses

The following tables detail the Group’s remaining contractual maturity for its financial and tax liabilities with agreed repayment periods. The tables have been drawn up based on the undiscounted cash flows of financial liabilities based on the earliest date on which the Group can be required to pay.

In € thousands

< 1 year


to 2 years


2 to 5 years


>5 years



May 31, 2024


Non-interest bearing










Variable interest rate instruments 1










Lease liabilities









































In € thousands

< 1 year


to 2 years


2 to 5 years


>5 years



May 31, 2023


Non-interest bearing










Variable interest rate instruments 1










Lease liabilities








































  • 1 It is assumed that there is a repayment of subordinated loans of €16.7 million per annum.

The tables include both interest and principal cash flows. To the extent that interest flows are floating rate, the undiscounted amount is derived from interest rate curves at the end of the reporting period. The contractual maturity is based on the earliest date on which the Group may be required to pay.

5.4.3 Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. The Group’s exposure to interest rate risks mainly relate to:

  • Short-term debit and credit facilities carrying variable Euribor based interest with a surcharge;

  • Subordinated loans, carrying variable Euribor-based interest with a surcharge capped at a minimum of 4% and a maximum of 8% for the compulsory subordinated loans;

A reasonable change in the interest rate would have an immaterial impact on pre-tax profits and equity of the Group.

5.4.4 Foreign currency risk

Foreign currency risks, mainly dollar risks, arising from future operational cash flows and financing activities in foreign currencies may be hedged by means of forward exchange contracts if considered necessary. No hedging activities took place in the year under review. A reasonable change in the exchange rates would have an immaterial impact on pre-tax profits and equity of the Group.

5.4.5 Fair value measurements

The Group’s policy is to recognise transfers into and out of fair value hierarchy levels as at the end of the reporting period.

Level 1: The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets is based on quoted market prices at the end of the reporting period. The quoted market price used for financial assets held by the group is the current bid price. These instruments are included in level 1.

Level 2: The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market is determined using valuation techniques which maximise the use of observable market data and rely as little as possible on entity-specific estimates. If all significant inputs required to fair value an instrument are observable, the instrument is included in level 2.

Level 3: If one or more of the significant inputs is not based on observable market data, the instrument is included in level 3. The Group has participating interest. Participating interests are measured at fair value. This value is equal to or approximately the cost of the investment, except for the investment in Deloitte NSE Investments Limited (refer to note 6.2).