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1. Accounting policies

Accounting policies applied

The company financial statements of Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. have been prepared in accordance with the requirements in Title 9 Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. prepares its consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (EU IFRS). Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. applies the exemption as included in section 2:362 paragraph 8. Participating interests in Group companies are valued at net asset value determined on the basis of Title 9 Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code. The share in the results of participating interests in Group companies is reported in accordance with the principles of valuation and profit determination that apply to the consolidated financial statements. In accordance with article 2:402 of the Dutch Civil Code, the company financial statements only contain an abridged profit and loss account. Reference is made to the accounting policies section in the consolidated financial statements and the respective notes.

Other income and expenses

The other income and expenses includes the annual fees received from the various Group companies for providing the partners work force for the company.


The company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries make up a fiscal unity and therefore jointly and severally liable for the tax liabilities of the fiscal unity as a whole. The corporate income tax is calculated as if the company and its subsidiaries were individually separately liable for tax and is offset against the current account of the parent company, Coöperatief Deloitte U.A. Corporate income tax is calculated at the applicable rate on the result for the financial year, taking into account permanent differences between profit calculated according to the financial statements and profit calculated for taxation purposes. Deferred tax is recognised in respect of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and their tax bases. Deferred tax assets (if applicable) are only valued insofar as their realisation is likely. Deferred tax assets are recognised on the balance sheet of the company until they are realised.

Notes to the specific items of the balance sheet