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Our strategy in action: Employee Value Proposition

Our Employee Value Proposition (EVP) aims to create a distinctive experience for all Deloitters. In 2021/2022, we have taken important steps to execute our EVP including the implementation of a new reward program.

Petra Tito, CHRO: 'One of our strategic priorities for 2021/2022 was to launch our new Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and reward strategy. Our new EVP describes much more clear what we find important in our relationship with our employees and where we stand for as an employer: ‘Passion for Purpose’, ‘Be the true you’ and ‘Never stop growing’.

To empower this, we strive towards a culture of recognition with fair and transparent total reward. With the introduction of our new reward strategy in October 2021 and the further investments we have decided upon in May, we offer a much more competitive compensation to our people and make a clear distinction between performance and development, the latter tying to our desire to put emphasis on personal growth as one of the key of our EVP.

Overall, our EVP is directly linked to our values, purpose and strategy. Our formulated employee experience ambition goals lead to actions putting our strategy into action with day-to-day interventions on topics like creating more inclusive talent processes and allowing our people to live their purpose in every day work.

Personally, I feel our new EVP describes our organisation’s growth mindset very well, and I feel a personal connection with the pillars chosen as my aim is to create a healthy and inspirational workplace where our people can be their best (professional) self.'

‘People are at the heart of our firm. Our Employee Value Proposition (EVP) shows what we stand for and offer as an employer. In the past year, I was fortunate to work on the changes in our Reward Strategy by exploring, creating and implementing new benefits that are in line with our EVP.  It requires collaboration and teamwork with a lot of colleagues, and I’m proud to be part of this. It was a challenge, but it’s great to work on something that affects and benefits all your colleagues!'

Franca van Cleef (Senior Manager, Support organisation)